Programme content
What to wear when scooting – helmet and covered shoes (no jandals!)
Setting up your scooter – handlebar height, clamps and brake
Being able to stop safely and quickly
Knowing when to uses brakes or the 'hop stop'
Sharing spaces
Choosing safe places to scoot – avoid driveways and other hazards
Being aware of others in shared spaces.
Skills for safer scooting
Gliding – positioning foot on the deck for balance and braking
Switching – changing the foot with which you kick
Cornering safely – protect against falls and foot injuries
Hazards - how to watch out for them and avoid or ride over safely
The instructors may bring Micro helmets and Micro scooters for the students to use for the sessions.
We need a court sized area. Either an outdoor area or indoor hall are ideal. In case of rain it is preferable to have an indoor back-up if an outdoor area is planned. Alternately a “rain date” can be arranged.
The sessions are run during class time. A 50-60 min block is ideal but we are happy to work within your usual timetable.
In the Wairarapa please contact the school travel planner.
In Hutt City please contact Sherie Wright, the school travel planner.
For all other parts of the region, please contact the Pedal Ready team to book your Scooter Ready sessions alongside Pedal Ready.
Note: at this stage we have limited the numbers for scooter training. Preference will be given to schools who also do Pedal Ready cycle skills.
In order to organise instructors for your groups we will need to know:
Which dates you would prefer (and any alternate choices or rain dates as well)
How many groups/classes of children (up to 25 per group)
What times your breaks are
Any special needs of the students who will be participating
More and more children are riding their scooters to school. As well as having fun on a scooter, with training kids can learn important and useful skills.
The Scooter Ready programme teaches;
traffic awareness
footpath etiquette
looking for cars reversing out of driveways, and
what to do at pedestrian crossings and intersections.
Scooter Ready is supported by Micro Scooters NZ and is offered for children in years 3-4 as part of the Pedal Ready Programme. It is a partnership between schools, Territorial Authorities, NZ Police and the Regional Council, supporting communities to promote safe and active travel.
Many of these skills are essential for all kinds of travel, whether it’s scooting, walking, cycling, skateboarding, or – in years to come – driving. Helping kids to become street smart gives parents more confidence to let their kids travel independently.
And the more kids who scoot, walk, or cycle to school, the less traffic congestion at school gates and on our roads, which is good for other road users and the environment.
The Scooter Ready Programme is available alongside the Pedal Ready cycle skills programme with the latter being delivered to students in years 5-8.
Instructors cover safety awareness and the skills to scoot safely.
View our Scooter Safety videos on youtube in English or Te Reo Māori.
Scooter Safety videos with Wellington Paranormal (in English and Te Reo)
Māehe Manawa Ora | Movin’March road safety links
Scooter Ready teacher resources (pdf)
Pedal Ready helmet checklist (pdf)
Wellington City Council scooter safety
AT TravelWise Scooter skills Unit Plan
Let’s Go Whanganui Scooter Sessions and toolkit